COVID-19 Commercial Tenancies

NATIONAL CABINET MANDATORY CODE OF CONDUCT (“CODE”) SME COMMERCIAL LEASING PRINCIPLES DURING COVID-19 (Last updated 7 April 2020) On 7 April 2020, The Hon Scott Morrison announced a set of “good faith leasing principles for application to commercial tenancies” and “to aid the management of cashflow for SME tenants and landlords on a proportionate basis”

Incentives for New South Wales Businesses

Following is a summary of the key relief incentives released by the NSW government, which is current as at 3 April 2020. NSW Stimulus Stage One: announced 17 March 2020 Waiver of a 25% of 2019-2020 payroll tax for businesses with grouped Australian taxable wages of up to $10 million. How to apply: Revenue NSW

COVID-19 Charities granted Reporting Deadline Extension

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has given charities affected by the COVID-19 crisis additional time to submit their Annual Information Statements (AIS). The recent measures taken by the Australian Government to flatten the coronavirus curve will make it difficult for charities to meet their reporting deadlines as they relate to the 2019 AIS. 

TNR Service and COVID-19

In the rapidly changing environment we are all experiencing with the COVID-19 virus, we wish to provide you with an update on how we will continue to provide our services to you. TNR (incorporating Keep & Associates and TNR Wealth) is ready for the effects of the measures introduced by the Morrison Government. All of