Collectables – and inherited jewellery

Collectables – and inherited jewellery Collectables Capital gains tax does not just apply to “big ticket” items such as real estate, farms and shareholdings.It also applies to a special class of assets known as “personal use assets” and, in particular, those personal use assets known as “collectibles”. “Collectables” are specifically defined under the tax law

Compensation from your bank or financial institution – is it taxable?

Compensation from your bank or financial institution – is it taxable? Unfortunately our financial institutions have not always acted as ethically as we consumers would like. Whether you’ve received bad advice or paid for advice you didn’t receive at all, our supervisory and regulatory bodies have sought not only to improve the system so it

Returning to work after retirement

Returning to work after retirement Most people look forward to retirement as it is a chance to finally take time to relax, enjoy life and do things they never had time for when they were working. But sometimes things change and some people feel the urge to return to work. If a return to work

The taxation of super death benefits

The taxation of super death benefits Wondering if your beneficiaries will pay tax on your superannuation death benefits? The answer is it depends on a number of important factors. Most people will have heard of Benjamin Franklin’s quote “in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes”. He raises a valid point as the

Taken goods for private use? Here’s the latest values

Taken goods for private use? Here’s the latest values The ATO knows that many business owners naturally help themselves to their trading stock and use it for their own purposes. This common practice can occur in businesses such as butchers, bakers, corner stores, cafes and more. The ATO regularly issues guidance for business owners on

Don’t ignore those tax debts: the ATO won’t!

Don’t ignore those tax debts: the ATO won’t! Whilst the ATO went out of its way to assist businesses doing it tough during the COVID lockdowns, a more robust approach to collecting outstanding tax debts now seems to be the order of the day. Other people’s money A major part of the tax debts of

Two “main residences” is possible

Two “main residences” is possible The CGT exemption for a person’s home is only available in respect of one home owned at any given time. In other words, you can’t get two main residence exemptions applying to two different homes at the same time. However, there is one exception to this rule – and that

Lost or destroyed tax records? Don’t panic!

Lost or destroyed tax records? Don’t panic! Now and then, taxpayers may find themselves in a situation where they simply have no records to back up a tax claim. There can be many reasons for this, such as losing documents (either paper or electronic) when moving home, or technology failures that end up with the