Superannuation funds have recorded their worst performance since the GFC. What are your options if your super balance has suffered a decline?
Super funds post lowest returns since GFC

Superannuation funds have recorded their worst performance since the GFC. What are your options if your super balance has suffered a decline?
The ATO has reminded SMSF trustees that the COVID-19 relief and support offered to SMSFs ended on 30 June 2022.
Are you ready to take control and compare your superannuation fund’s performance against other funds? You might be in luck if you have a MySuper fund.
The increase to the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate from 1 July 2022 will see more employees (and certain contractors) entitled to additional SG contributions on their pay. But what happens when income earned before 30 June is paid after 30 June 2022?
Did you know you could invest the proceeds of the sale of your family home to your superannuation, depending on your age and circumstances?
With the EOFY fast approaching, now is a great time to boost your superannuation savings and potentially save on tax.
Whether you’re employed, self-employed or even nearing retirement, it’s never too late to build up your superannuation to boost your retirement savings.
If you’re a small business owner, you’ll know that you’re required to pay your employees SG in addition to their salary or wages. But how do you pay your SG contributions in a simple and effective way?
Multiple super accounts are costing Australians an extra $690 million in duplicated administration fees and $1.9 billion in insurance premiums per year. If you have multiple super accounts, there may be benefits to rolling your accounts onto one super fund.
Several superannuation proposals announced in this year’s Federal Budget have been introduced into Parliament. We address these new measures.
For most Australians, the approach of retirement is something to look forward to. Yet it can also be a time that fills us with trepidation, after all, we’ve saved for it, worked towards it, but are we really prepared for it?
Changing your thinking around your finances, and learning how to make sure your money is working for you will reap great rewards. We’ve outlined a few ways you can create savings while paying off debt.